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Was concluded a few hours ago the first mini challenge, organized by our working group on Facebook dedicated to all those who are beginning to explore the techniques of modeling and 3D visualization
In the future, we will arrange these mini challenges frequently: the spirit of these mini challenges, is to create a concrete motivation to stimulate the desire to practice: doing homework together is much more stimulating !

The comments and advice, of those who have already buying experience and knowledge in these mini challenges, are worth more than any tutorial, and give at the participating in the our working group, a sense of more active and constructive involvement, giving way to a real workshop.
Thanks to everyone who participated. I saw a great effort from everyone, and a great desire to excel, some jobs are really noteworthy, others still need to refine the technique, but all have pledged trying to give the best of themselves.
We do not want do a ranking first, second, third, etc., we simply want to give a note of merit, to authors of the best works  to dead heat
We present them in order of entry
COFFEE SHOP minichallenge - 3d model by Pham Tuan Anh
Thilina Liyanage‎
Workflow: sketchup | vray2.0 | Photoshop post process
Workflow: sketchup | vray2.0 | Photoshop post process
Workflow: sketchup | vray2.0 | Photoshop post process
Kevin Garingo‎
workflow: sketchup | 3DsMax |Vray Photoshop post process
Nasser Linog
Workflow: Sketchup| 3DsMax | Vray| Photoshop post process
Workflow: Sketchup | VRAY2.0 | GIMP2.8
Workflow: Sketchup | VRAY2.0 | Photoshop post process
Workflow: Sketchup 2016 | Vray.20 | autodesk pixlr
Workflow: Sketchup | VRAY2.0 | Photoshop post process
a special mention goes to the work of Tim Bicanic 
who proposed an unusual visualization, but very well done the coffee shop turned into a showroom for cars,
Workflow: Sketchup | VRAY2.0 | Photoshop post process
Thanks to everyone who Participated !
Appointment to the next Workshop
Sketchup Texture Admin 

by Sketchup Texture - Posted on Monday, May 2, 2016

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