osmar pinho


Entry 1 Sunset aerial view
Votes: 167
Sketchup pro 2015+Thea render 1.4+Gimp
Entry 2 Main street view
Votes: 139
Sketchup pro 2015+Thea render 1.4+Gimp
Entry 3 Main street view
Votes: 136
Sketchup pro 2015+Thea render 1.4+Gimp
About my workMy first step was a preliminary preparation and began with the study of real high-rise buildings scenarios and the 3d work of many artists. It was my first high-rise building, i faced some obstacles but in another hand it was a job that I enjoyed and learned.
The entire scene was done with Sketchup pro 2015 and Thea render 1.4, the post production i used Gimp a similar photoshop software.
I hope you enjoy.

Best Regards,
Osmar Pinho
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