Fallingwater house vray render by Candra Risanto
Fallingwater house vray render by Candra Risanto
Fallingwater house sketchup view 2

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Fallingwater house & Visopt by candra risanto Free 3D Model

License: all rights reserved
File size: 152,20 MB  |  Rating: 5  |  Downloads: 7733
by candra risanto
Designer Info
Profession: Architecture Student in Itenas Bandung
Company: java givsum
bandung, INDONESIA

The scene include  - VISOPT - HDRI - V-Ray proxy: tree and shrub
Technical Information
Rendering engine: vray 2.0
Post process: adobe photoshop
3D format: Sketchup 8
Download: RAR File - 152,20 MB

Fallingwater house & Visopt Sketchup 3D model
model credit by : Ân Nguyễn , i just try visualisation for my version with vray 2.0
In the zip file, I included the vray visopt of this scene, the vray IES light, vray proxy trees and shrubs, and the HDRI used for this scene.
Fallingwater stands as one of Wright's greatest masterpieces both for its dynamism and for its integration with its striking natural surroundings. Fallingwater has been described as an architectural tour de force of Wright's organic architecture.

Wright's passion for Japanese architecture was strongly reflected in the design of Fallingwater, particularly in the importance of interpenetrating exterior and interior spaces and the strong emphasis placed on harmony between man and nature. Contemporary Japanese architect Tadao Ando has said of the house:
I think Wright learned the most important aspect of architecture, the treatment of space, from Japanese architecture. When I visited Fallingwater in Pennsylvania, I found that same sensibility of space. But there was the additional sounds of nature that appealed to me.
The organically designed private residence was intended to be a nature retreat for its owners. The house is well-known for its connection to the site. It is built on top of an active waterfall that flows beneath the house.

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