Terms of use
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Terms of use

Please read these Terms of Use carefully before you make use of this website. By using this web site, you accept these terms of use, If you do not agree with these terms, then you are not authorized to use this web site.
Sketchuptextureclub reserves the right to change or modify any of the terms and conditions contained in the Site Terms or any policy or guideline of the Site, at any time and on its sole discretion. Any changes or modification will be immediately effective after the posting of the Site's changes, and you’ll renounce to any right that you used to have.  Your continued use of this Site following by the posting of changes or modifications will confirm your acceptance of such changes or modifications. Therefore, you should frequently review the Site Terms and related policies from time-to-time to understand the terms and conditions applied to your use of the Site. If you do not agree to the amended terms, you must stop using the Site.
Please also note that generally in this website (including these Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy) ‘we' and ‘us' or “the Site” means  sketchuptextureclub.com   as so defined.
If you have any question regarding the use of the Site and the use of its contents please, contact us 

Sketchuptextureclub.com offers photographs and textures of materials. The use of the TEXTURES is subject to the below terms and conditions. Using sketchuptextureclub.com constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions
The textures are distributed as royalty free.
You take all responsibility for your own actions and for the usage of images, we are not taking responsibility for anything you do or anything that happens to you in any way, shape or form
 If you have any questions or doubts, before writing, check out the FAQ here

Registration on the site, involves sending an email with an activation link
NOTE: Register only one free account,  If you use more than one free account , we reserve the right to disable all your account without notice . Any accounts with fake email, or with e-mail turned off, can be disabled at any time.
Sketchuptextureclub.com,  is designed to be a library of on-line textures, from which you download only the Textures you need for the project you are working on right now. It is not permitted to download one or entire categories of textures (to make a local texture library) or try to download all textures with an automated program.  The site is able to detect any action in this regard.  Please read carefully the paragraph 3
To download the textures, you need to register for an account. After completing registration, you will receive an email with a link on which you will need to click to confirm your account. After authenticating your account, you can download the textures . The textures are released royalty free.
You are responsible for your account and all the activity on it. Before you start downloading, please read carefully our Terms of Use.

1.1 - you can choose to sign up as free member, or as a club member

A) - Free member: you can download 15 textures, medium size every day, there are no limits to download 3D models,
NOTE: not all textures are available for download for free accounts. There is no possibility to accumulate the number of downloads: If you don't download them, the daily total is always 15 textures per day. The mapped textures are a benefit only to Club Members, who with their donation are those who support the site.
B) - Club member: you can download 50 textures, medium-sized and high-resolution textures, every day. NOTE: There is no possibility to accumulate the number of downloads: If you don't download them, the daily total is always 50 textures per day. There are no limits to download 3D models.
C)Sketchuptextureclub, reserves the right to modify at any time, subscription modalities, and the terms downloads for textures. In that case, annual subscriptions as "Club member", will maintain the same benefits, until the expiration date.
D) Textures Download count
Your download count is reset to zero every 24 hours: for example, if you download your first texture today at 3pm, and reach the daily limit, the counter will reset tomorrow at 3pm. If on the same day, for any reason, you download the same texture several times, only 1 download is calculated.
1.2 -  Access to the site Sketchuptextureclub.com with your username and password can not be transferred to third parties: this means that you are the only one authorized to access with your credentials, and that you are directly responsible for any action taken by your account, including any violation of the terms of use
In the event that you give third parties access to the site Sketchuptextureclub.com, with your username and password, your account will be immediately disabled, including the Club Member option, for which you can not request any type of refund

Our textures are released Royalty free.
What is meant by Royalty-free ?
Royalty free, refers to the right to use copyright material or intellectual property without the need to pay royalties or license fees for their use. but the textures are and remain our property and can be used solely respecting our terms listed below.
You are allowed to use our textures for personal and commercial use.
Attention: We specify that for commercial use, You are allowed to use our textures only for some kinds of projects and even in combination with 3D models, but only in the case specified and described in the the conditions of use to the point 2.1 C
However, it is not permitted to resell, or release our textures, or other products from our website, such as packages of textures, materials, clipart, or redistribute them with open source licenses, and it is prohibited to upload these textures to your website or blog, or social page (example: Facebook) for direct download from your website or social page..
If you do, you will be subject to the penalties specified in section 2.3 - Violation of the terms of use
As we were often the subject of countless thefts of our materials, we have to try to protect our intellectual property. therefore, use of the Textures is only allowed under the following conditions:
2.1 - You are permitted to
A) -  use these textures in computer graphic 3D animation, 3D Visualization
B) - incorporate these textures in computer games only if the textures are not downloadable directly
C) - You can use these textures to your private projects and 3D models,  to your customers,  only if your client is a final consumers. This means that your client cannot and should not be a 3D models online distributor or seller. 
It is allowed to publish your web site your 3d project using our texture,  (for example to show a image gallery of your portfolio) only if the textures are not downloadable directly from your models or project 
D) - for scrapbooking work, but only if you are the end-user of the work. Resale or redistribution of the textures as scrapbooking packs, scrapbooking papers, templates, etc, is explicitly forbidden (even when the Photos are modified) For any needs about this type of use of textures, please, contact us
E) - You are free to use the textures for (commercial) website design only if you are creating your personal website
2.2 - You are not permitted to
A) - sell or distribute any textures of sketchuptextureclub (modified or not) by themselves or in a texture pack, scale modelling papers (pre-printed or digital), scrapbooking pack  or include them in a 3D model that is released free or for sale; It is not allowed Repackaging and resell or distribute any textures of sketchuptextureclub (modified or not) by themselves or in a texture pack, material, shader, vismat materials, by reprocessing our textures for any rendering engine, for example: Vray, Thea Render, Maxwell, Corona , Lumion, Cinema 4D, Unreal Engine, Blender, 2D Floor Plan, etc. etc,  or any similar software.
B) - It is not allowed, use, sell or distribute any textures of sketchuptextureclub (modified or not) by themselves or in a texture pack, in Second Life, Unreal Engine marketplace, Linden Lab, or for any other product or service.
C) -  bundle or distribute our textures (modified or not) with software such as paint programs, plugins, 3D programs or photo-kiosk software, or any other 2d or 3d digital graphics software or video games.
D) - use our textures (modified or not) in commercial graphic design themes or in templates sold to multiple customers on marketplaces (this includes stock photography, clipart, templates for websites, business cards and e-cards or any commercial product);
E) - use these textures for creating products sold via 'print on demand' websites (for example print on demand mugs, T-shirts, mouse mats, or any other commercial product)
F) - use these textures and photo for creating commercial products to print wallpaper, rugs, panels, t-shirts, fabrics or vinyl wraps or any coating or surface (with the exception of private personal use)
G) - sell or distribute skins for laptops, phones and other devices created with Textures from sketchuptextureclub.com
H) - release these textures or derivative products with textures under Open Source Licences.
I) - Repackaging these textures inside of a software or any App or bundling them as part of a shader for a render engine (stand alone or plugin) such as Vray, Thea Render, Maxwell, Corona, Lumion, Blender, 2D Floor Plan, or any software similar, or any equivalent use.
L)  - You can't sell, release or distribute these textures modified or not, in no way and in any form. You can't use our textures to market or distribute your 3d models.
2.3 - Violation of the terms of use
sketchuptextureclub.com  may recoup from you all damages it suffers as a result of your violation of these terms and conditions.
In the event of a breach of the provision of the Articles above , you will owe Sketchuptexturesclub.com,  an immediately due and payable with a penalty of EUR 500.00 for each day per established breach without further notice of default being required,from the first day of the violation, and for the entire period in which the violation occurred, without prejudice to the right to demand full compensation.

Sketchuptextureclub.com is designed to be a website from which you download  the textures you need for the project you are working on right now. It is not permitted to download whole categories (to make a local texture library) or try to download all photos with an automated program.
3.1 - You not are permitted to:
A) make a stockpile textures with the goal of making a local (copy of the)  textures library;
B) use a program (spider, leecher) or script to automatically download (all) Photos on Sketchuptextureclub.com
C) interfere with the security or otherwise abuse, disrupt, place excessive loads on, or attempt to gain unauthorised access to the Sketchuptextureclub.com website or any system resources or networks connected to this website.
3.2Term and Termination
As soon as you download a photo these terms and conditions become active. You can close your account whenever you want. If you break the rules, we may close your account.
3.3 - These terms and conditions come into force as soon as you first use the Textures service or Club Member Access. The agreement remains in effect until your account is terminated.
3.4 - You can terminate your account at any time.
3.5 - Sketchuptextureclub.com is entitled to block your account or terminate your Club Member Access: 
a)  if  discovers stockpiling behaviour over a longer period of time;
b)  in the event of a breach of these terms and conditions.
3.6 - Sketchuptextureclub.com is not liable for any damage you may suffer by the termination of the account or Club Member Access in accordance with Article 3.5
3.7the violation of these terms, triggers what is specified in paragraph 2.3 - Violation of the terms of use

the textures that you downloaded are only licensed to you; you do not become the owner of the photos. In some cases a photo may show a logo, brand name or copyrighted design. Be careful with these types of photo, because the owner of the logo, brand or design might not like it when it's used in your work.  In these cases, you can only use these images for private use.

4.1 All intellectual property rights to all textures and all content on the website www.sketchuptextureclub.com belong solely to sketchuptextureclub.com, and sketchuptexture.com or its licensors. You will only be given a right of use that is non-exclusive and non-transferable and the competencies explicitly granted under these terms and conditions or otherwise.
All trademarks, copyright, text, images, textures, illustrations, tutorial, and other intellectual property rights of the materials on sketchuptextureclub.com and to sketchuptexture.com are owned directly by Sketchup Texture or by our licensors

4.2 - You may not use a Sketchup Texture logo and 3D challenge logo , or other proprietary graphic of Sketchuptextureclub to link to this Site without the express written permission of Sketchup Texture.
Links to other websites and Third Party Content SketchupTexture - 3D challenge may include links to other internet sites for information purposes. We do not uphold any websites and we are not responsible for the information, material, products or services contained on or taken through these websites. The insertion of any link does not imply affiliation, endorsement or adoption by Sketchuptextureclub.com of any site or of any information contained there.

In order to download the 3D models, you must register by creating an account. You can use 3D models published on our site, in full compliance with the terms of use described here. You are responsible for your account and all activities on it. You assume all responsibility for your actions and for the use of our 3D models
We assume no responsibility, for the use of 3D models, for anything that happens to you resulting from their use
5.1- You allowed to:
The 3D models published on our site are the intellectual property of the authors, and are shared by them only for educational purposes, and for practice. You can freely use them to practice, but you can't redistribute our 3D models making them available for download, in any way
You can post your test renderings , on Facebook or on other social networks, or  on your personal website, but you have the obligation to give credit to the author: every 3d model is published on the site with all the author's details , so you need to insert a hyperlink to our website
5.2- you are not allowed to
A) - it is forbidden to use the 3D models published on our site, for any purpose other than practice
B) - The commercial use, in any form. of the 3D models published on the site is absolutely forbidden.
C) - it is forbidden redistribute the 3D models published on our site, on your website or your blog or social network. Sharing is possible only with a hyperlink from your web site to this website or  from a social network to this site
D) - it is forbidden yo sell the 3D models published on our site even if modified.
E) - it is forbidden used the 3D models published on our site, for advertise your products, on the internet or on your website, blog, and social, or in any other way.
F) - it is forbidden insert these 3D models in software programs, such as paint programs, plugins, 3D programs or photo-kiosk software, in any form
G) - it is forbidden to use these 3D models for making videos, video tutorials, publish them,  on its website or audiovisual channels (eg You Tube, Vimeo etc) to produce commercial or also non-commercial videos, in any form.
 A hyperlink from another website to this site is permitted
5.3 - Violation of these terms
If you use the content on our site in any unauthorized way, in violation of our terms of use you agree to pay at sketchuptexture.com ,  a penalty of EUR 500.00 for each day per established breach without further notice of default being required,from the first day of the violation, and for the entire period in which the violation occurred.
If we do not receive any response within 48 hours of our notification of infringement, we will initiate legal proceedings in the European Court for the recovery of the amount due.

The Site permits the submission, posting and transmission of Content on or through the Site without limitation including Contest Submissions and Other Submissions ("User Content"). You are the only responsible for the User Content you post.
You may only use the Site in accordance with these Terms of Use. In particular, you agree that you will not:
  • post, transmit or disseminate any material on or via the Site which is or may be threatening, obscene, libellous, defamatory or otherwise illegal
  • use the Site in a manner which causes or may cause an infringement of the rights of any other person or which infringe any applicable law or regulation
  • make any unauthorised, false or fraudulent bookings
  • post User Content that is copied from another Site user
  • post User Content that may infringe any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other intellectual or proprietary right of any party.
  • use the Site for any commercial purpose
  • use any software, routine, engine or other device to interfere or attempt to interfere electronically or manually with the operation and look of the Site, or to violate or attempt to violate its security.
We reserve the right in our sole and absolute discretion to restrict or prohibit your access to the Site at any time and for any reason. If you violate any of these Terms, your permission to use the Site will terminate immediately without the necessity for any notice.
By submitting any Contest Submission, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to all the terms, conditions and rules set forth in the Official Rules, and Submission Rules.
Competitions may be canceled at any time under the only and absolute discretion of Sketchup Texture Club and its staff. Participants at competition will be notified via email and with a notice, published directly on the site, in the section  "CURRENT CHALLENGE". Competitions with a number of members less than 20 will be automatically deleted.
6.1 - intellectual property on " challenges user content "
All the material submitted to the contest will become part of Sketchup Texture’s files.
Sketchup Texture will therefore keep all the rights to publish this material in order to promote the competition. By submitting a proposal, Sketchup Texture will be authorized to use the material for the publication of the project in both print and digital editions, always referring to its author/s.
6.2 - content submission rules for challenges 
The Content Submission Rules ("Submission Rules") apply to all competitors and are specified for each individual competition.
Challenges  are sponsored by Sketchup Texture through  its Website at www.sketchuptextureclub.com a may make use of external sponsors to advertise and sustain challenges.
By participating in a Competition you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of these Submission Rules and you acknowledge that you have all the necessary authority to do so.
6.3 - Thechnical requirements for content submission 
All content must be in jpg or in png file format, the minimum size of the files, are specified for each individual competition. Smaller file size, compared with the dimensions specified in the regulation of a challenge,  will not be able be loaded by default.
If you have any question regarding the use of the Site, please refer first to the INFO HELP
6.4 - prizes and taxes
The awards will be distributed in USD
You are the only responsible for paying all federal and other taxes in accordance with the law that is applied in your state, province, and/or country of residence. You will be required to provide the IBAN (International Bank Account Number )  to receive your Prize. If you do not, Sketchup Texture reserves the right not to deliver the prizes
NOTE : the bank charges for transferring money from Italy  to foreign countries, shall be borne by the winners, so will be deducted from the amount of the prize
6.5 - social area 
Sketchuptextureclub.com includes link that deal with public areas linked to related social networks. These areas are subject to all the Site regulations (terms of use) and are under the direct supervision of the SketchupTextureclub  staff. It is forbidden to post inappropriate comments, and post content considered offensive or not related to the covered topic. It is prohibited to produce any kind of spam. The staff of the Sketchuptextureclub  will have complete freedom of action in the supervision and removal of the contents of the interactive areas and reserves the right to block or prevent access to these areas. 

We do our best to make sure our website is always online, but there can be times when the website is not available because of maintenance or network problems.

7.1 - Sketchuptextureclub.com uses its best endeavours to make the service available at all times, but makes no guarantees about uninterrupted availability. Sketchuptextureclub.com actively maintains the website and textures service. Maintenance can take place at any time, even if this may negatively impact the availability of the service. Maintenance is announced in advance whenever possible.

In no event shall Sketchuptextureclub.com be liable for indirect damages, consequential damages, lost profits, missed savings or damages through business interruption, loss of business information, loss of data, or any other pecuniary loss in connection with any claim, damage or other proceeding arising under this agreement, including - without limitation - your access and the use of the Sketchuptextureclub.com website, the use of textures or 3D models or any other material,

8.1 - will not be possible claim damages arising from the account suspension, for the violation of our terms of use.
8.2 - In case of force majeure sketchuptextureclub.com is never required to compensate for damages suffered by you. Force majeure includes, among other things, disruption or unavailability of the internet, telecommunications infrastructure, power interruptions, riots, traffic jams, strikes, company disruptions, interruptions in supply, fires and floods.
8.3 - You indemnify sketchuptextureclub.com against all claims arising out of or in connection with this agreement and the use of textures or 3D models or other material downloaded from this website. 

9.1 -Sketchuptexture.club respects your privacy and personal data
We do not share your personal information with anyone, except when strictly needed (for example when you make a purchase on our website). The same is true for email: we only send you an email for account activation or when you forget your password.
or in the case of urgent information about the challenges of rendering in progress
Please see our privacy statement for more information.
9.2 - The personal data that you provide once you register are collected and are used in accordance with the Legislative Decree No 196/2003 ("Code regarding the protection of personal data"). Under the Article. 13, we inform you that:
• The data are handled for the aims related to the equipment of this service. The data are handled manually and / or with the aid of instruments and procedures.
• The conferment of the data is optional. However, the refusal to provide the data and their treatments makes impossible to use the service provided by sketchuptextureclub.com
9.3 - Security
We take security measures to prevent misuse of and unauthorised access to personal data. We keep statistics on our website, giving us access to individual data. However, we only access individual data insofar as necessary for the purposes set out in this statement.
9.4 - Third-party websites
This statement is not applicable to third-party websites connected to this website through links or banners. We cannot guarantee that these third parties will handle your personal data in a secure and careful manner. We recommend you read these websites privacy statements before making use of these websites.
9.5 - coockies
a) Google Adsense
Our service displays advertisements by Google Adsense, To serve ads on our web site use independent advertising companies. The companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest. For information on data collection by Google please visit the Google Privacy Policy page.
b) - Google Analytics
This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses "cookies", which are text files that are stored on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website by you (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google's behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, but this may not be able to use all the features of this website. By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above, More information about the use of cookies can be found in the instructions and / or by using the Help function of your browser. 

We are located in Italy ; any legal disputes with us will have to be handled in Brescia under Italian Law.
10.1 - italian law applies to this agreement.
10.2 - Any dispute related to our web site, will be brought in the Italian courts in the Court of Brescia
10.3 - sketchuptextureclub.com. is entitled to transfer its rights and obligations under this agreement to a third party as part of an acquisition of skcthuptextureclub.com or the associated business activities: sketchuptexture.com and Image Promotion srls
Sketchup Texture , Sketchup Texture Club  , are trademarks owned by
Vicolo Angolo 6
29026 Ghedi (BS)

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