vray render by Larryshem
vray render by Larryshem
vray render by Larryshem
sketchup view

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CONTEMPORARY BATHROOM & VISOPT by olanrewaju shem Free 3D Model

License: all rights reserved
File size: 46,09 MB  |  Rating: 3  |  Downloads: 13876
by olanrewaju shem
Designer Info
Profession: Architect & Designer
Company: Larryshem
lagos, NIGERIA

The scene include  - VISOPT
Technical Information
Rendering engine: SketchUp Vray
Post process: Photoshop, Picasa
3D format: Sketchup 8
Download: RAR File - 46,09 MB

This nice sketchup 3d model is a courtesy by Larryshem who shared exclusively for us, this Contemporary bathroom concept , made in sketchup 2014, but available in sketchup 8, full all textures, rendered in vray 2.0 complete of Visopt. Thanks a lot Larryshem for this fantastic contribution to our community !
Please always read our terms of use
Author's Note
To see more works, follow us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/sennylarry), on Instagram (@larryshem)
This model was done in SketchUp with the goal to design a contemporary bathroom
Thank you for all SketchUp Texture team for allowing us to learn more and more about SketchUp (and Vray).

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