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Working Room by Alfonsus Sri Agseyoga Free 3D Model

License: all rights reserved
File size: 45,62 MB  |  Rating: 5  |  Downloads: 18737
by Alfonsus Sri Agseyoga
Designer Info
Profession: Architect
Palangka Raya, INDONESIA

The scene include  - VISOPT - IES Light
Technical Information
Rendering engine: VRay 2.0
Post process: Photoshop CS 6
3D format: Sketchup 8
Download: RAR File - 45,62 MB

Hello everyone
This 3D Model was done in Sketchup. and is it made available in sketchup 8
Only a simple composition of models, simple texturing, simple lighting.
Some objects in this scene are taken from 3dwarehouse.

I included in the zip file,also the vray interior Visopt of this scene, and vray IES light
I hope will be helpful for our CG artist community

thank you for all the Sketchup Texture admins, for allowing in this years us to learn SketchUp and Vray
Cheers to all !
Alfonsus Sri Agseyoga
posted January 13, 2017

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