Model and render by Architect H.M.Khoa
Model and render by Architect H.M.Khoa
Model and render by Architect H.M.Khoa

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Garden Home By Architec H.M.Khoa by Huynh Minh Khoa Free 3D Model

License: all rights reserved
File size: 115,77 MB  |  Rating: 3  |  Downloads: 16359
by Huynh Minh Khoa
Designer Info
Profession: Architecter
Company: MV Global
Hồ Chí Minh, VIETNAM

The scene include  - VISOPT - HDRI
Technical Information
Rendering engine: Vray 2.0
Post process: Sketchup 2016 - Vray 2.0 - Photoshop cs6
3D format: Sketchup 8
Download: RAR File - 115,77 MB

Hello everyone
I'm happy to share my 3d model done in Sketchup and rendered in Vray ,  made available in SketchUp 8
I included in the zip file archive also the vray interior Visopt and the IDRI used in this scene
To see more works, follow us on Facebook 
Thank you for all SketchUp Texture team for allowing us to learn more and more about SketchUp (and Vray)
I hope will be helpful for our CG artist community.

A greeting to all
Architect H.M.Khoa

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