front view rendered day time by Rondel Calcena
left view rendered day time by Rondel Calcena
sketchup right view by Rondel Calcena

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modern simple house & Visopt by Rodnel Calcena Free 3D Model

License: all rights reserved
File size: 70,28 MB  |  Rating: 3  |  Downloads: 7228
by Rodnel Calcena
Designer Info
Profession: Interior designer
Company: Ebaahouse marble and ceramic co.
Iloilo, city, PHILIPPINES

The scene include  - VISOPT - IES Light - HDRI
Technical Information
Rendering engine: vray 2.0
Post process: photoshop cs6
3D format: Sketchup 8
Download: RAR File - 70,28 MB

Hello everyone
I share joyfully with you, in the hope that it will be useful to you
my sketchup 3d model, rendered with vray 2.0, of these modern simple house, The design focus on modern art but low cost and elegant. using natural concrete finish and easy and available in market for installation quickly and fast.
In the zip file, I included the vray visopt, and the vray IES light, and the HDRI used for this scene
posted by Rondel Calcena
July 6, 2018

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