exterior wiev vray render by CANDRA RISANTO
interior wiew vray render by CANDRA RISANTO
SketchUp exterior view
SketchUp interior wiev

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Villa in the forest & Visopt by candra risanto Free 3D Model

License: all rights reserved
File size: 304,82 MB  |  Rating: 4  |  Downloads: 24405
by candra risanto
Designer Info
Profession: Architecture Student in Itenas Bandung
Company: java givsum
bandung, INDONESIA

The scene include  - VISOPT - HDRI
Technical Information
Rendering engine: vray
Post process: photoshop cs 5
3D format: Sketchup 8
Download: ZIP File - 304,82 MB

A big thanks to CANDRA RISANTO
Who shared with us this great sketchup 3d modelIt is a modern villa surrounded by greenery, with large picture windows overlooking the pool, and exterior wood finishes for a perfect integration into the surrounding landscape.
The scene is made with Vray for SketchUp, complete with Vray exterior Visopt, and Hdri that has been used.
The 3D model is available in SketchUp 8
The girl is not included in the 3D model is available for purchase by Renderpeople by clicking here

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