vray render by EYAD EYADOV
vray render by EYAD EYADOV
vray render by EYAD EYADOV
sketchup view
sketchup view

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Guests Room by Eyad Emleh Free 3D Model

License: all rights reserved
File size: 109,89 MB  |  Rating: 3  |  Downloads: 22801
by Eyad Emleh
Designer Info
Profession: Architect
alex, EGYPT

The scene include  - VISOPT - IES Light - bump textures
Technical Information
Rendering engine: Vray 2
Post process: PS
3D format: Sketchup 8
Download: RAR File - 109,89 MB

Beautiful 3D model with very fine detail, downloadable in SketchUp 8, complete with all the texture, V-Ray IES light, and Visopt. Very exceptional for practice
Thank you very much for this kind contribution to our community

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