vray render by VIS STUDIO
vray render by VIS STUDIO
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CHINA APARTMENT & VISOPT by Tran Nguyen Hoang Nam Free 3D Model

License: all rights reserved
File size: 57,35 MB  |  Rating: 4  |  Downloads: 35177
by Tran Nguyen Hoang Nam
Designer Info
Profession: 3D Visualization
Company: Darchviz Studio
Ho Chi Minh, VIETNAM

The scene include  - VISOPT - IES Light
Technical Information
Rendering engine: Vray For Sketchup
Post process: Photoshop CC
3D format: Sketchup 8
Download: RAR File - 57,35 MB

Very beautiful sketchup 3d model available in sketchup 8, very well textured, complete with all the elements necessary for practice; in fact, included in the file, you will find the vray Visopt of the scene, V-Ray IES ligth,
Thank so much TRAN NGUYEN for this nice contribution to our community.
Author's Note
The model is complete with vray Visopt and textures and ready to be rendered with vray 2.0. A special note deserves the lighting technically perfect, as is the view that you can see out the window with light tones and soft that emphasize the perspective.

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