Small apartment by Abdulkader Welaya vray render
Small apartment by Abdulkader Welaya vray render view 2
Small apartment the kitchen
Small apartment sketchUp wiev 1
Small apartment sketchUp wiev 2

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Small apartment by abdulkader welaya Free 3D Model

License: all rights reserved
File size: 173,20 MB  |  Rating: 3  |  Downloads: 30044
by abdulkader welaya
Designer Info
Profession: 3D deginer
Company: inova
mersin, TURKEY

The scene include  - VISOPT - IES Light - V-Ray proxy: carpet
Technical Information
Rendering engine: v-ray 2.0
Post process: photoshop
3D format: Sketchup 8
Download: RAR File - 173,20 MB

Hello to all sketchup Texture Club members ^-^
I am happy to share with you my SketchUp 3d model, which I hope will be helpful.
This small apartment is composed of 2 rooms, 1 bathroom, and one kitchen open space, with living room.
I tried to make the most of every space, obtaining in the small corridor also a place to store your shoes, and a small area for the washing machine.
I included in the zip file, the sketchUp model available in sketchUp 8, the vray interior Visopt of this scene, the vray IES light, and the vray proxy of the Carpet.
A great for greeting to all of you !
posted January 13, 2017

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