The awards are sponsored by CG. World Archviz Support
Italian non-profit association for the support and development of the design and designers worldwide
To each competitor will not be awarded more than one prize
First prize 1000 U.S. dollars
Second prize 500 U.S. dollars
Third prize 250 U.S. dollars
2 awards ( special mention ) 150 U.S. dollars for each one
At unquestionable decision of the sponsors, among all the competitors will be chosen 2 works for the best creativity and visual impact, for each one, will be awarded a prize of 150 US dollars
To the first place winner 3D competition will assign one of their exclusive black T-Shirts bearing the SketchUpArtists logo ! So hurry and get your entries in now to get the opportunity to get your hands on one of these rare T-Shirts, last seen at SketchUp Basecamp.
NOTE You are the only responsible for paying all federal and other taxes in accordance with the law that is applied in your state, province, and/or country of residence. You will be required to provide the IBAN (International Bank Account Number ) or Western Union references to receive your Prize. If you do not, Sketchup Texture reserves the right not to deliver the prizes.
Best of luck to all !!
Sketchup Texture Club Admins
Sketchup Texture Club Admins