The contest is sponsored by CG. World Archviz Support
CG. World Archviz Support is an Italian non-profit association for the support and development of the design and designers worldwide

We will promote the top 30 finalists, through the Sketchup Texture web site, currently with nearly 14,000,000 visits, will allow you to obtain great international visibility.

To the first place winner 3D competition will assign one of their exclusive black T-Shirts bearing the SketchUpArtists logo ! So hurry and get your entries in now to get the opportunity to get your hands on one of these rare T-Shirts, last seen at SketchUp Basecamp.

Equal publicity and visibility will be given on the corresponding Facebook page and that of SketchUpArtist's official Facebook page... so massive pubblicity! In addition, being awarded the title 3D Challenge winners is most certainly a great thing for your portfolio.
Let not the material prize be the motivating factor here, rather the spirit of challenging ourselves through excellence and sharing. Through this you can earn the biggest prize....the knowledge and the respect !
Best of luck to all !!
Sketchup Texture Club Admins